Kittens for you
Learn more about our Abyssinian kittens and choose a friend for you and your family
Kittens from the Novisenya cattery are brought up in love and care. If you are looking for an affectionate and playful Abyssinian kitten, then you've come to the right place.
Our kittens are surrounded by constant attention and therefore grow up well-groomed and sociable! If you are looking for an upscale Abyssinian kitten that will catch the eye of others, Novisenya is the right choice for you.
Please yourself and your loved ones - get yourself an affectionate energizer - a sunny Abyssinian!
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About our kittens
The first months are very important for the proper development and socialization of kittens. Raising babies in our cattery takes into account all the features of the temperament characteristic of the Abyssinian breed. Kittens are under constant supervision. The breeders of the Novisenya cattery do not deprive the younger generation of attention: they regularly play with the kittens, take them in their arms, stroke them and rejoice at each new “victory” of their wards. All this provides excellent socialization of young Abyssinians so that they can fall in love with future owners.
Keeping our animals healthy is a main priority for the Novisenya cattery.
All breeding Abyssinian cats are tested to identify various viral and genetic diseases. These measures help to avoid health problems in our adult animals, kittens and cattery graduates.
Our cats have been tested for the following diseases with negative results:
- FiV / FeLV / FCoV (immunodeficiency / leukemia / feline coronavirus),
- PK-deficiency (Erythrocyte Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency),
- PRA-rdAc (Progressive retinal atrophy).
The Novisenya cattery approaches the issue of choosing breeding Abyssinian cats with special responsibility in order to give birth to the most beautiful Abyssinian kittens you can imagine. We try to select only exceptional American Pure Lines, which directly affects the quality of our offspring.
ШАГ 1.
Choosing a kitten
Choosing an Abyssinian kitten is an important and not as easy step in acquiring a pet as it might seem at first glance. The kitten will not only be your pet, but it will also become a companion for your children and a full-fledged member of your family. Each animal is unique, has a character and habits peculiar only to it, which can both please and touch, and may not coincide with your expectations. We want our kittens to be happy and kept in conditions suitable for them, and the new owners found in them real friends and faithful companions on the path of their life. Therefore, it is important for us to make sure that the Abyssinian cat breed is right for you, and that the chosen kitten matches your personality type and lifestyle.
ШАГ 2.
Once you have selected a suitable Abyssinian kitten, you should contact us for more information about it. These can be facts about its health, lifestyle and nutrition, as well as character traits that already make themselves felt at such a young age. If everything suits you, you will need to leave a deposit of 1/3 of the cost in order to reserve the selected kitten. We always allow a delay of 48 hours for those who wish to send a deposit by transfer. After this period, the kitten can be offered to another interested person or family if the deposit was not paid in a timely manner. The amount of the deposit cannot be returned or transferred to another kitten, even if the potential owner changed his mind.
ШАГ 3.
Preparing for the arrival of a kitten
In order for the little Abyssinian to move as comfortable and not as exciting as possible, we strongly recommend isolating the kitten for the first time in a small, bright and calm room (if possible), in which he will need: food, bowls for food and water, a cat litter box, a scratching post, toys and a bed in which the baby can hide. By isolating the kitten in a quiet room, you will reduce the stress of moving and the difficulty of finding a litter box. We also invite you to read our recommendations for keeping and feeding kittens. Remember the healthy psyche of the animal is the key to a long and prosperous life with your pet.
ШАГ 4.
Moving to a new family
Our Abyssinian kittens are usually ready to move into their new family at the age of 3.5–4 months (if we are talking about sending to another country, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the legislation regulating the import of animals). By this time, they have fully developed immunity, they are socialized, accustomed to a tray and a scratching post, vaccinated, microchipped and castrated, have documents of origin. Moving before the kittens reach 3.5 months is impossible, since this, first of all, can seriously affect their health due to unformed immunity and lack of vaccinations. When a kitten is handed over to a new owner, a purchase and sale agreement is signed, and the final settlement takes place. Also, do not forget to take a cat carrier with you (if you are picking up the kitten from the cattery on your own) to safely transport the baby to his new family.
Each breeder at the beginning of his journey is faced with problems that can't be solved alone without deep knowledge of breeding. An experienced breeder - the head of the cattery will always support the beginner and tell you about the intricacies of felinology. Join the Novisenya cattery and become a member of our team .
Novisenya Jozefine
Date of Birth
n (дикий)
0.1 (кошка)
Novisenya Uber Black
A Sharm Ru Astoria
Предлагается к продаже прекрасная девочка дикого окраса Жозефина в современном породном типе. Очень нежная, ласковая и контактная барышня. Кошечка приучена ко всем кошачьим премудростям, привита и кастрирована - готова к переезду в новую семью.
Подробности по телефону +7 911 124 95 73 - Полина.
70 000 рублей
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Novisenya Juseppe
Date of Birth
n (дикий)
1.0 (кот)
Novisenya Uber Black
A Sharm Ru Astoria
Предлагается к продаже самый яркий и крупный котенок в помете - Джузеппе. Активный и любознательный малыш. Котик приучен ко всем кошачьим премудростям, привит и кастрирован - готов к переезду в новую семью.
Подробности по телефону +7 911 124 95 73 - Полина.
65 000 рублей
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Novisenya Jonathan
Date of Birth
n (дикий)
1.0 (кот)
Novisenya Uber Black
A Sharm Ru Astoria
Предлагается к продаже самый активный котик в помете - Джонатан. Везде первый, будет рад участвовать во всех домашних делах. Котик приучен ко всем кошачьим премудростям, привит и кастрирован - готов к переезду в новую семью.
Подробности по телефону +7 911 124 95 73 - Полина.
65 000 рублей
Adopt this kitten
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Contact us
Our contacts
5 Petrovsky prospect, St. Petersburg, 197110, Russia
+7 931 354 64 36
© Cattery Novisenya. 2014-2023